I can’t recall ever putting together a Christmas wishlist (although it’s possible I did in elementary school for a class project). My parents would take us out (on occasion) “around” Christmas time to buy us something, but “festive” doesn’t define us as a family. As a family we’ve never put up a Christmas tree, wrapped and exchanged gifts, sang Christmas songs, prepared and ate a Christmas meal… (I think you get the point). Now that I have a family of my own, I’ve grown to learn and enjoy the Christmas festivities but never did as a kid. At 27 years old, I thought it’d be worth a try to compile a wishlist and call on Santa to help scratch off items on it.

My letter to Santa Claus

Dear Santa,

My name is Jonathan, and I have been a good boy this year. It’s been a long time since I’ve fought with my sister, and I’ve tried my best to be a very good and responsible husband and daddy. In 27 years, I’ve never asked you for anything. This year I have compiled a list of things I would like for Christmas. I trust that you will take this list, review it with your elves, and do your best to deliver as many of these items to me by Christmas morning.

If any of these items are unmanageable at best, I understand—no hard feelings. If I am undeserving, I ask that you take these gift ideas and use them to bring Christmas cheer to other individuals and families that are more deserving than I.

Thank you, Mr. Claus. Merry Christmas, and please give my salutations to the Mrs., the elves, and Rudolph and his crew.


P.S., I admire your no-shave-November all year round.</em>


I would like a LEGO DUPLO Cars set for my boy because he loves Cars, and I know that building blocks, like LEGOs, help children develop by promoting motor skills as well as cognitive (e.g. creative, problem-solving) skills. I bought him a set last year but due to unforeseen circumstances, they have become deformed and disfigured, thus useless.

Website: duplo.lego.com

Nike Fuelband

I want the Nike Fuelband (preferably in Black Ice) Jawbone UP (preferably in light grey) because I think it would be a fun, everyday companion that would nudge me and remind me to stay active, fit, and productive throughout the day. It also collects data to help me monitor my progress, allowing me to get to know my body better and know what adjustments I need to make to promote healthier behaviors and habits.

Website: www.nike.com

Apple iPod Touch 6th Gen

I want a blue Apple iPod Touch so I can give it to my wife for Christmas. She has an older iPod Touch, but the quality of the pictures and cameras it takes are subpar, and it doesn’t have a lot of storage. I would like for her to be able to have a portable device that takes high-quality pictures and videos to document our lives while being able to hold a good amount of music for her to listen to as well as pictures and videos so she can look back and enjoy viewing them.

Website: www.apple.com/ipod-touch

Sony NEX-6 digital camera

I would like the NEX-6 because I love photography, and I love to shoot, but the last 2 digital cameras I’ve owned were stolen. I’d like a camera because I want to document my life and my family along with the lives of others and things around me (e.g. friends, nature). It would be nice to have a DSLR that shoots high-quality pictures, is portable, and has an electronic viewfinder–that’s why I’ve chosen the NEX-6.

It’d also be nice to have at least one lens, maybe the stock 16-50mm.

Website: store.sony.com

Nest Thermostat

I want the Nest Thermostat because, well, my thermostat is old and junky (it only has 2 programmable settings: weekdays and weekends). The Nest Thermostat’s ability to learn and adapt to the way we live will drastically help to save energy when it isn’t needed. In addition, when something unexpected comes up, being able to access and adjust the temperature at home using Nest’s mobile app would be a huge help in saving energy.

Website: www.nest.com