Hey! I’m Jonathan Suh.
I’m a multidisciplinary developer & designer based out of the Northwest Indiana/Chicago area. I primarily create digital things for the web. By day I’m building stuff with the awesome folks at Planning Center. I’ve had the privilege of working with clients like Allstate, Brian Hoff Design, Bottlerocket Creative, Leo Burnett, and OLSON.
I’m also a husband to my beautiful wife, father to my 2 wonderful children, and a Christian. I’m a New York sports fan, inhabitant of Apple’s ecosystem, perfectionist (borderline obsessive compulsive), and a lover of Banana Republic and Nike. By night I’m either checkin’ out new restaurants or watching Mythbusters with my wife, building LEGO cars and airplanes or singing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song with my son, playing peek-a-boo with my daughter, or working on side projects or building stuff with friends.

My website is a personal reflection of who I am, the people I love, the things I’m passionate about, and what I do—I realize one’s online representation is often skewed, fabricated, and one-sided, but I put forth my best effort to portray myself as who I really am away from the screen.
Find me
I limit myself to 140 characters as @jonsuh on Twitter, share shapshots of my life seen through my iPhone on Instagram and my XE-1 on Flickr, give and contribute to the open-source community on Github and CodePen, answer or ask questions on Stack Overflow, share my knowledge and thoughts on my blog, and occasionally take shots on Dribbble.
This site is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; carefully hand-coded in Sublime Text; compiled by Sass, Jekyll and Grunt; hosted on a DigitalOcean instance running Nginx; and deployed in Terminal with the help of a custom Capistrano recipe. The codebase is version-controlled by Git and managed on a self-hosted Gitlab and private Beanstalk.
The type is set in beautiful Roboto served by Google Fonts and Freight Text Pro by Typekit. The photographs were taken with a Fujifilm X-E1 coupled with a Fujifilm XF35mm. I recently upgraded to the Fujifilm X-E2S. Check out my /uses page for more on the hardware, software or gear I use.
This site is designed to be future-friendly, so please forgive me if it doesn’t play or work well on older browsers. As time goes on, I may roll out patches to improve support but no guarantees. It’s also a playground for me so I’m constantly trying new stuff, making changes, and probably breaking things.