Keeping track of all your z-index values can be quite a task, especially on large projects or projects that involve more than 1 developer. Sass and its recent introduction of the maps data-type can help you keep track of your z-index by having them all in one place.

If you’re not familiar with Sass maps, I wrote a post that should help you get familiarized with them: Sass maps

z-index with maps

The following is what I did for one of my most recent projects to keep track of all of my z-index values.

I first went ahead and created a map to declare all of my z-index values.

$z-index: (
  modal              : 200,
  navigation         : 100,
  footer             : 90,
  triangle           : 60,
  navigation-rainbow : 50,
  share-type         : 41,
  share              : 40,

Leave room for error and tweaks by initially setting major z-index values in increments of 10. You can tell by the example above that at a later date I went in and added share-type.

The key is to never a declare a z-index value in the CSS itself, but instead add another key-value pair to your map.

Using the baked-in function to access the value of a map, you can do the following:

.navigation {
  z-index: map-get($z-index, navigation);

.footer {
  z-index: map-get($z-index, footer);

Which results in the following CSS:

.navigation {z-index: 100;}
.footer     {z-index: 90;}

Custom function and mixin

I’m not a big fan of using the default map-get function only because it’s not that elegant and it’s redundant. Instead, I created a function to make accessing the $z-index map a bit more elegant.

@function z-index($key) {
  @return map-get($z-index, $key);

.navigation {
  z-index: z-index(navigation);

One step further because I have OCD…
I still didn’t like the redundancy of z-index: z-index(navigation); so I went one step further and created a mixin (it depends on the function so don’t get rid of it).

@function z-index($key) {
  @return map-get($z-index, $key);

@mixin z-index($key) {
  z-index: z-index($key);

.navigation {
  @include z-index(navigation);

Separate file

I like breaking up my Sass into separate files to keep things like variables, mixins, and functions separate.

Create a separate file, _z-index.scss to house your z-index map as well as the function and mixin:

$z-index: (
  modal              : 200,
  navigation         : 100,
  footer             : 90,
  triangle           : 60,
  navigation-rainbow : 50,
  share-type         : 41,
  share              : 40,

@function z-index($key) {
  @return map-get($z-index, $key);

@mixin z-index($key) {
  z-index: z-index($key);

Then wherever you need to access your z-index, import it at the very top of your Sass file:

@import "z-index";

.navigation {
  @include z-index(navigation);

This may not be necessary for smaller projects, but I feel there’s a lot of upside for large projects that are highly z-index dependent and projects that involve more than 1 developer—having all of your z-index values to reference in one spot prevents developers from stepping on each other’s toes.

It’s not perfect, but it makes things a heck of a lot easier.